Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Le Ly Hayslip Interview

Last week we interviewed Le Ly Hayslip as we mentioned in the previous post.

We have been busy this week meeting with various people - sorry for the lack of posts. We'll have more posts in the next few days if the internet and electricity Gods are nice to us!

Here is the interview in 6 parts. We loved the interview - although we've had some minor difficulties with the editing process and some of the videos end 5-10 seconds before or after they should... The issue is in exporting the video from Windows Movie Maker - when we resolve it, we'll update the videos.

Part one: Le Ly discussing Large Vs Small NGOs

Part two : Le Ly on volunteering for Global Village Foundation

Part three: Le Ly on how you can help Global Village Foundation

Part four: Le Ly on how NGOs can be effective in Vietnam

Part five: Le Ly discussing Agent Orange and Land Mines in Vietnam

Part Six: Le Ly discussing NGO transparency

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