Thursday 27 March 2008

An interview with volunteers Bruce & Elaine

As promised, here is our interview (3 parts) with Bruce and Elaine - a volunteer couple from Canada that we met in Hoi An.

Bruce and Elaine provided us with a wealth of information and perspective from their experience - they have been here five times, with the current trip lasting over 80 days. They have been working with two organizations here, a well-known and well-established non-profit, Global Village Foundation, and the other is a for-profit organization called Reaching Out - and interesting project which manufactures and sells "a fine collection of handmade crafts made by talented disAbled artisans from all over Vietnam."

The interview is in three segments. In the first segment we discuss their projects in Vietnam and they offer some recommendations and suggestions for others who are looking to volunteer in Vietnam.

In the second video, Bruce and Elaine talk about Vietnam in general, offer some cultural awareness pointers, and share an interesting anecdote or two.

The third segment includes Bruce's perspective on Vietnam as a returning veteran from the 'American War.' We love this segment, and thank Bruce for his openness and sincerity in sharing these highly emotional perspectives.

Elaine and Bruce have also been keeping a blog, EB to Vietnam, during their time here. If anyone wants to contact Bruce and Elaine regarding either their time volunteering here, or issues related to veterans returning to Vietnam and 'replacing negative imagery,' we can forward emails to them for you.

Elaine & Bruce, we hope you get home safely and painlessly!

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